Click here for a downloadable PDF on how Bellesini transitioned to online learning in Spring 2020.
After finishing the 2019-20 school year in remote learning, Bellesini students returned to our campus in July for our annual four-week summer program, which operated in a hybrid model with students alternating between days in school and days learning and engaging in activities remotely at home. After the success of the hybrid summer program, Bellesini opened for its nineteenth school year on Tuesday, September 8th, with our 120 students beginning this year in a hybrid learning model. Grades 5-6 and grades 7-8 alternate between two days each week in school and two days learning remotely at home. The fifth day is a “switch day” with an additional day of in-school learning rotating between the two grade groups.
Students take all their academic classes each day, Monday through Friday, until 3:00 p.m., followed by a mix of in-person and remote after-school enrichment programs. Bellesini also expanded its Evening Study Program from three to four nights a week, offering additional online tutoring and technical support through Zoom classrooms. By using what it learned during quarantine this spring, Bellesini has improved its use of technology and virtual classrooms, and is continuing to work with its faculty and staff to ensure that it is meeting the needs of its students, whether they are at home or on campus. Bellesini has been going strong in its hybrid model since September, with no days out of school.
In order to continue to provide excellent programs to our students during this challenging time, Bellesini has purchased additional supplies and resources to protect the health of our students and comply with COVID-19 safety regulations. These resources include individual kits for after-school activities, a Chromebook for each student, and new classroom libraries where they can access books for independent reading.
New after-school programs have been developed in response to our hybrid learning model this year, and current programs have been modified to operate in adherence with COVID-19 protocols. Students still attend after-school programs every weekday. Some activities include Dance, Volleyball, Pickleball, Academic Bowl, Debate Club, Chess Club, Documentary Club, Regional/State Science Fairs, Computer Animation & Programming, Coding, Anime, Basketball Film Program, Drama, Multimedia & Video Making, Engineering Club, Fitness Program, Yoga, Zumba, and Community Service project for Mary Immaculate Nursing Center and Cor Unum Meal Center in Lawrence. Now more than ever, it is imperative that we continue to provide quality after-school programming five days a week as well as evening study tutoring. The pandemic has exacerbated the already numerous risks our students face in an inner-city environment and intensified the need to provide a supportive environment in the afternoons.
100% of the 8th grade students in our Class of 2021 have been accepted to private high schools on scholarship thanks to the diligent efforts of our students, faculty, and high school placement staff. In addition, our Alumni Support team is continuing to provide services, encouragement, and resources to our alumni in high school and college to ensure that they stay on track to reach their educational and personal goals while navigating these challenging times. Our team has been working with our seniors in high school to assist them with college applications, essay writing, interview prep, SAT/ACT prep classes and testing, and financial aid and scholarships.
As COVID shutdowns prevent Lawrence students from accessing many of their normal support systems, Bellesini continues to build bridges out of poverty and to success for our students. Currently, our administrative team is working with our faculty on a plan to have all of our students return to school full-time, five days a week, with the hope that we will be able to implement it later this spring.