Please Join Us as we celebrate the success of our students and alumni at our Bellesini and Beyond 2023 Spring Gala and Auction on Friday, April 28, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. at the Andover Country Club. Tickets a $175 per person!
Sponsor the Event
Sponsorship Opportunities
To become an event sponsor, please click below:
Diamond Sponsor – $15,000
2 tables of 10, visual & verbal event recognition, full-page program ad, social media & website placement, priority seating, wine at tables, & student notecards for guests.
Platinum Sponsor – $10,000
2 tables of 10, visual & verbal event recognition, program ad, social media & website placement, priority seating, & student notecards for guests.
Gold Sponsor – $5,000
1 table of 10, visual & verbal event recognition, social media & website placement, program ad, & student notecards for guests.
Silver Sponsor – $2,500
1 table of 10, visual event recognition, social media & website placement, & program ad.
Bronze Sponsor – $1,000
4 tickets, visual event recognition, social media & website placement, & program ad.
Friend Sponsor – $500
2 tickets, program ad or greeting.
Place an Ad
Advertisements and Greetings
$200 (non-profits – $100)
To purchase an ad or greeting, please click below:
Please submit your advertisement or greeting as a jpg or png file to [email protected] by Friday, April 21, 2023. For your convenience, we also have the ability to scan individual business cards for inclusion in the program.
Donate an Item
Donate an Item for the Auction
To donate an auction item, please click below:
Buy a Ticket
Tickets :
To purchase tickets, please click below: